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“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit…”

Matthew 28:19


Who do we Baptize?

Baptism is an important milestone in the life of every believer. Faith Memorial Church whole-heartedly embraces what is known as “Credo-Baptism”. Credo is a Latin word, meaning “I Believe”; therefore, we only baptize those that have expressed belief in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Infants are too young to be able to make this profession of belief and are therefore not baptized until they are older and capable of making such a profession.  (Additional Scripture references showing baptism following profession of faith – Acts 2:38, Acts 2:41, Acts 18:8)


How do we Baptize?

In the Bible, baptism is a reference to a washing, immersing, or dipping of something into a liquid/water during a ritualistic, religious, or even a mundane form (like washing your hands) of purification. When we see this carried out in the New Testament, especially by John the Baptizer (Matt. 3:16) and later the Apostle Philip (Acts 8:38-39), we see baptism by immersion carried out clearly. Therefore, when we baptize, we do so by full water immersion.

However, there are extreme cases where physical or medical limitations may require us to baptize an individual in another manner. When alternative means are required, we must remember that the individual’s baptism is still completely authentic and acceptable to God.


Why do we Baptize?

  • Repentance – Baptism is an outward showing of an inward repentance. After an individual has repented of sin and believed the Gospel, they are offered an opportunity to be baptized for the repentance of sin. (Mark 1:4, Luke 3:3, Acts 13:24, Acts 19:4)
  • Initiation – Baptism is an outward sign and prophetic declaration of…
    • Being baptized into Christ’s death by immersion. (Romans 6:3)
    • Being buried with Christ in baptism. (Colossians 2:12)
    • Being raised with Christ by coming up out of the water. (Colossians 2:12, Romans 6:4-5)
  • Identification – Baptism is a public declaration of faith in Christ. As such, it becomes a way of identifying yourself as a fellow believer and a member of the family of God. (Galatians 3:27)
  • Cleansing – Baptism is a prophetic fulfilment of the Old Testament pattern established by the Bronze Laver (Basin). This Bronze Basin was designed so that priests could “be baptized” (wash themselves) before ministering to the Lord in the Tabernacle. The blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin and baptism works as a prophetic demonstration of that cleansing in preparation of the Lord’s service.  (Exodus 29:4, 30:18, 40:12&30; Leviticus 8:6)
  • Freedom – Baptism serves as a promise of the remission (or freedom) from the judgment that our sin warrants. Noah’s Ark serves as an example of this. The earth was “baptized” and destroyed by divine judgment. Those that were in the ark were also baptized but were spared from destruction. Later we see the Holy Spirit manifested as a dove and abiding on Christ at His baptism in the Jordan River. This “link’ demonstrates that Christ is our “Ark” and the promise of freedom from judgment is found in Him. (1st Peter 3:18-22, Matthew 3:16)


Where do we baptize?

Baptism can be done in a variety of locations. Whether or not it is performed in a church is completely irrelevant. The main thing is for it to be done in a gathering of other believers. Baptism is a public demonstration and cause for celebration. Therefore, it should not be done in private.