Larry and Brenda
Larry and Brenda Green have been working with the children of Faith Memorial for over 40 years, conducting Sunday morning services, back-to-school programs, Vacation Bible School, Christmas Empty Stocking Ministry, and many others outreaches to Children.
Larry is a graduate from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, and holds a Master’s degree from the Church of God Theological Seminary (now the Pentecostal Theological Seminary). Brenda graduated from Lee College with a B.S. in Early Childhood Education. It was during her time at Lee College that Brenda first met Reverend M.E. Littlefield, founding Pastor of Faith Memorial.
It was during her time at Lee that Brenda first got involved with the bus ministry at Faith Memorial. Larry soon joined her. They have experienced many changes in Children’s Ministry over the years, but the one constant is their love and commitment to children.